Saturday, January 26, 2013

Maybelline Clear Smooth B.B Cream REVIEW

This is my first BB cream ever. I bought this because I was so curious about how good BB cream is and I don't like to wear foundation everytime I go outside my house. I finally found this BB cream in department store for Rp. 36.000. I tried it right after I got home. It was kind of awkward because I know BB cream doesn't have full coverage but somehow I expect something better LOL. Again, I picked the wrong shade for my skin, therefore I can't use this for school :(

If you have an oily skin, I wouldn't recommend this because I noticed after 2 or 3 hours, my face is shiny than ever, except if you're wearing primer that prevent shiny face and after few time using this on my face, this BB cream breaks me out. Not a bad break out but still... So I stopped using this BB cream.

Overall, I don't like this BB cream, not because the quality but because of my skin type. It's very oily and very sensitive. But if you don't have any those skin problem, this is a wonderful BB cream for you because of the coverage. Any visible scars or blemishes you can cover up with concealer.

The price is Rp. 36.000 in department store. But depends on where you buy it, usually in drugstore it can be more expensive. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Revlon Colorstay Foundation Review

So before trying this one out, I've been allergic to foundations. I don't know why but all the foundations I've tried in the past, break me out so bad, that's why I was never use foundation. But, a few months ago, I bought this Revlon Colorstay Foundation unconciously. If that's even possible. LOL what I meant was I know this foundation could breaks me out but I bought it anyway. The price is Rp. 160.000 and I think it was on sale with other products. It was pretty expensive for drugstore product but I'm telling you, it's actually does the job pretty good. It has medium coverage. I can still see some blemishes or scars but overall it's really good. It's really light on my skin, not heavy, unlike other foundation.

The only problem I have with this product is, it has no pump so you have to kinda pour it on to your hand and its really messy.

This is definitely my favorite foundation which I will go to everytime because I think this is the only one that doesn't cause me to break out. But, I bought the wrong shade for my skin, so I can't use like tons of this on my face or else I will look like wearing a mask.

I would recommend this for those with oily skin like mine because it matify your face. 
Price : Rp. 160.000

Re-purchase? Yes.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Maybelline Clear Smooth Minerals Healthy Natural Concealer REVIEW

Aku udah pakai ini selama 2 minggu. Coverage nya sih menurut aku lumayan bagus tapi untuk nutupin jerawat atau bekas jerawat yang masih merah agak kurang ya. Tapi yang aku suka, blending nya gampang banget dan bisa cover bekas2 jerawat aku yang udah cukup lumayan lama dan cover dark circle. Biasanya aku pakai ini sebelum pakai foundation karena concealer ini warnanya lebih terang daripada warna kulit aku dan cuma tersedia dalam satu warna. Begitu pakai concealer, aku pakai foundation biar warna kulitku rata dan bantu nutupin blemishes & acne scars. Kadang kalau aku ada jerawat yang masih baru, aku suka banget pakai concealer ini karena bener2 bisa nutupin tapi kalau udah merah banget kayaknya butuh extra. Selama ini aku cuma pakai 1 layer kalau keluar rumah, karena keliatan natural. Kalau pakai 2 layer keliatan banget pakai make up apalagi aku juga pakai foundation + powder, gak mau keliatan medok banget :p Aku lumayan puas sih pakai concealer ini, lumayan kalau lagi males pakai foundation, cukup pakai ini tipis2 dan pakai powder juga bagus kok ;) tapi jangan pakai banyak2 kalau gak pakai foundation. Tapi kayaknya aku juga mau cari2 yang lain dulu, aku udah pesen concealer dari Oriflame jadi tunggu ya reviewnya atau nanti aku kasih first impressionnya deh. Anyway, ini bentuk dari concealernya

Harga : Rp. 63.000
Re-purchase? Maybe

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Bodyshop Born Lippy Review

I went to body show like 2 weeks ago to buy a hand cream, which I will do a review later on, and then I saw this really cute lipbalm. The appearance really looks attractive to me. I tried it out after a few days, I didn't like it a first because it seems so oily and I was looking like eating something really greasy, but after a week or so I started to love it. It moisturize my lips really well. It's still dry but it's much better than before and the smell is really good.

I usually apply this after I went to the shower, before applying my lipstick just so it won't look cracky and right before I go to sleep. Or during the day when I feel my lips is really pale(yes it does add a little shine and pink colour to your lips but it's more focusing on mousturizing your lips which is working really good). I've never been this addicted to a lipbalm because I usually use it before I go out but with this, I can apply this on my lips at least 7 times on 1 day. The price is around Rp. 70.000, can be a little too expensive for a lipbalm, but really it's worth it. Re-purchase? Totally. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Olay Natural White : Insta glowing fairness cream REVIEW

Ini BB cream pertama aku. Awalnya mau beli yang merek Maybelline tapi produknya udah sold out. Aku milih produk ini karena yang paling murah tentunya. Awalnya aku agak bingung karena ga ada tulisan BB cream di botolnya. Tapi di belakangnya sih di tulis meratakan warna kulit jadi aku simpulkan ini juga BB cream. Kalau aku salah, minta maaf ya :-).

Olay Fairness Cream ini tersedia 2 size. Aku beli yang kecil karena sekedar mau coba-coba. Yang kecil ini harganya 12.000 kalau ga salah kalau yang size normal kayaknya sih 23.000. Pokoknya lebih murah daripada Maybelline. Tekstur dan wanginya sama banget sama mousturizer Olay yang aku pakai sekarang. Coverage kurang tapi masih bisa dibantu dengan second layer dan bedak. Oil controlnya juga lumayan baik tapi gak tahan lama.

Aku pakai ini seperti pakai mousturizer aja. Di pipi, kening, hidung dan dagu terus di blend in. Sempet nyoba pakai ini as concealer di bawah mata dan ngecover acne scars tapi gak bisa haha. Mungkin emang harus pakai concealer atau foundation ya.

Overall, Olay cukup bagus. Harganya oke, tapi coverage nya kurang. Mungkin aku pakai ini kalau ke sekolah aja kali ya karena ini natural dan ga keliatan pakai apa-apa.

Segini dulu deh reviewku :-)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hi guys! Saya buat blog ini untuk review dan kasih first impression saya tentang product-product yang saya beli. Produk-produk yang saya tampilin di sini akan sebisa mungkin saya pastikan gampang dicari :-) dan murah tentunya.

Cantik itu gak harus mahal kan ;-)